Concussions & Traumatic Brain Injuries

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury that can be caused by trauma from a contact sport, a fall or car accident. Common symptoms include headaches, brain fog, dizziness, difficulty sleeping, difficulty reading, sensitivity to light and noise, balance problems and other psychological conditions such as depression and anxiety. According to many researchers there is no longer any debate that there is a chance it may contribute to brain changes that could either be temporary or permanent. Our holistic & integrative approach includes atlas orthogonal chiropractic care to correct the misaligned spine and improve cerebral spinal fluid flow, nutrition counseling to reduce localized inflammation, specific isometric exercise to strengthen & maintain the spine, cognitive rehabilitation for neuroplasticity, cognitive assessments to track your progress and to identify the areas of the brain that are challenged. Our goal is to improve brain function and decrease the severity and eliminate symptoms associated with a concussion.


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